Monday, September 17, 2007

What is the Semblance Project?

The Semblance Project

The Semblance project houses several subprojects that provide reusable components for Java applications, and particularly for Java EE (J2EE) web applications. Of the current three subprojects, two are frameworks (Foundation and StrutsLive), while the third is a comprehensive example application. The Foundation framework contains a broad array of generic utility classes and components, many of which were extracted from the original StrutsLive code base in order to make them easier to consume outside the web tier.

StrutsLive is a framework that adds powerful new capabilities to Struts 1.x, enabling it to function as a modern, component-based framework with features rivaling those of Webobjects or Tapestry, while maintaining total back-compatiblity with exsiting Struts 1.x application code. StrutsLive is in use today in dozens of major production applications, from high-volume B2C websites like The Shopping Channel and Armani Exchange to mission-critical B2B applications, such as an energy trading system for Enbridge Energy, a billing system for a major European telecommunications company, and the Environmental Protection Agency's compliance reporting system.

Clearly, this is the kind of collaborative effort that is driving software development.

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