Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Past time for Microsoft to get serious about security

Today’s Washington Post has another story about malware and identity theft, also an interesting post on how the story was put together.

Malware happens because of security vulnerabilities in the code. Years ago I had a client, Security Tracker, who did a survey of security vulnerabilities by company and product line. By a factor of ten, Microsoft had the most security vulnerabilities. This is true across all their product lines.

You can’t solve this problem by using a Mac, somewhere, someone has information about you and your business stored on their Windows computer. Instructing Microsoft users how to secure their computer is not an adequate response. It is irresponsible to ship vulnerable software and then expect users to patch it after the fact. Microsoft’s product defects are a security threat to all of us and they need address their quality issues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the evergreen Mac vs. PC debate, this is the best / funniest string I have ever seen.

Be sure to scroll down in related videos to see the Microsoft masked warrior respond.
