Monday, July 25, 2005

The ever quoatable BL Ochman

The business press is discovering BL Ochman.

Chicago Tribune

Before you launch your blog, research existing blogs, noting what you like or don't like about other blogs. And make sure you have something to say. Think about what you're going to write about and why anybody would read it, Ochman said.

If you don't think you can sustain an interesting, updated blog, the medium might not be effective for your company, Weil said. "This is such a cool phenomenon, but as the buzz quiets down, it's going to be `Oh, yeah. I have to keep it up,'" she said, noting, "Not everyone likes to write."

Red Herring

B.L. Ochman, founder of, has studied Internet trends since 1995. Ms. Ochman, who uses her blog to drive traffic to her web site or to sell her books, is convinced that blogging is the future of corporate marketing. She points to the Paris-based CEO Bloggers Club, made up of European CEOs who post at least twice a week. “For whatever reason… they’re blogging to communicate with their customers,” she says. “Some of what they write is bull---t, but some of them really get into” discussions with readers.

Now that she’s famous, hope she won’t forget her friends.

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