Sunday, July 24, 2005

Redefining the government/university research partnership

The Federal Demonstration Partnership

The Federal Demonstration Partnership is a cooperative initiative among 10 federal agencies and 98 institutional recipients of federal funds; its purpose is to reduce the administrative burdens associated with research grants and contracts. The interaction between FDP’s 300 or so university and federal members takes place in FDP’s 3 annual meetings and, more extensively, in the many collaborative working groups and task forces that meet often by conference calls in order to develop specific work products. The FDP is a unique forum for individuals from universities and nonprofits to work collaboratively with federal agency officials to improve the national research enterprise. At its regular meetings, FDP members hold spirited, frank discussions, identify problems, and develop action plans for change. Then these new ways of doing business are tested in the real world before putting them into effect.

Promoted from comments, National Grants Partnership, a very handy resource.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The FDP is focused on research grants but they're just a fraction of the overall federal grant budget (about $450 billion in 2003, according to the Census folks). The National Grants Partnership (aka the NGP) addresses the rest of the grants enterprise, including non-profits, institutions, amd state, local, and tribal governments. The NGP just published its first white paper on improving grants streamlining. Highly recommended (and not just because I co-chaired the group that produced it!).