Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jan NCC AIIM meeting: Stephen Levenson, Administrative Office of the US Courts talks about PDF/A

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Dinner Event
Westin Arlington Gateway

PDF/A What is it and why do I want it? Get an update on the First International Conference for PDF/A held in Europe last year! You can come learn how PDF/A is being used throughout government and industry, how to lower costs, and how to exchange content. Stephen Levenson who is the international convener for this standard and Chair of the AIIM Standards Board will discuss this standard and how it fits into other standards under development through AIIM. This presentation should interest practitioners of records management, CIOs’ and General Counsels of organizations.

We will also explore:

* What is PDF/A
* Why do I want or need it?
* When does document preservation start?
* How to keep long term costs under control.
* How does this fit into and effect ECM program.

About our speaker:

Stephen Levenson is the IT Specialist for Policy and Planning for the Administrative Office of the US Courts in Washington, DC.

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